Over the winter months, our skin can tend to feel dry and dull, did you know that the same applies to our hair?
I know I definitely struggle with the dreaded dry skin and hair thing!! Maintaining my brilliant red hair so it looks shiny and healthy all the time has actually become easier for me now that I have applied this winterising routine to my life.

Rushing in and out of warm air-conditioning into the outside freezing temperatures definitely plays havoc with my hair. As can wearing high necked winter jumpers, beanies or scarves. These can rub on the outside cuticle layer of the hair causing it become damaged and brittle.

The way our hair looks and feels has EVERYTHING to do with the cuticle layer which is the outside layer of the hair.
Over the years I have developed a fool proof set of winter hacks for myself and my beautiful guests at the salon and some of these may help you to beat the winter “hay” hair feel!

Here are my top tips for winterising your hair:

  • Give your hair a little more love during the winter months. A deep treatment once a week is a great way to ensure your hair loves you from the inside out.
  • Moisture, moisture, moisture! Using a leave in moisturiser will ensure that your hair actually maintains a good level of moisture protecting it from the cold dry months of winter.
  • A beautiful in salon gloss colour or gloss toner will fill in the open cuticle layer of the hair plumping it out giving it an overall shine and healthier appearance. I always apply a gloss colour over the ends of my hair when I am having my dreaded grey roots covered!!
  • An in salon deep bonding treatment will repair any damage deep down on a cellular level
  • Washing your hair less often, in luke warm water rather than scolding hot, will assist in keeping the cuticle layer closed
  • Don’t go outside with wet hair if you live in a place with very cold winters because the water in your hair can actually freeze. And, since water expands as it freezes, it can physically break your hair from within (Similar to over filling a water bottle and popping it in the freezer
  • If you have flakey scalp during the colder months, it’s probably not dandruff, it’s more than likely just a bit of a dry scalp, just like our skin feeling dry over winter, the same goes for the scalp. An exfoliating scalp treatment can also be done in the salon to keep your scalp in optimum health.
  • If you’re trying to grow your hair out, babying it is key. Yes, this includes regular trimming to lop off split ends before they climb up the hair shaft, ruining more and more length.

So keep your hair in shape over winter there is no need to just accept that our hair looks crappy over winter – help is on hand.

Team these tips with your regular routine and winter “hay” hair will be a thing of the past!

Xo Sherie